is Donald Sterling banned for life from the NBA?
Dana White, that's
that Dana White.
the Dana White that runs the Ultimate Fighting Championship.
all of the news and the hoopla and the opinions and the comments
yesterday, one thing stood out to me most. Adam Silver was there to
make a point. No apologies, no care in the world, it was Adam
Silver's moment. He has only been the commissioner of the NBA for two
months, but the entire future of his reign as Commissioner hinged on
what happened yesterday.
are very few poignant moments in someone's career. Adam Silver had to
make the best of his yesterday and he did.
Stern would have never done what Silver did.
for all the good that David Stern was for the NBA, we all know he
would not have acted strongly.
he was the NBA commissioner, David Stern was the best commissioner
and all sports. But he was too laid-back, not assertive enough to
make a decision like Adam Silver made.
only did Adam Silver make one of the most poignant and harsh
statements in the history of professional sports, he did so with a
face of disgust and a personal belief that Donald Sterling was so
wrong that that was the only choice of recourse.
Dana White.
David Stern, Gary Bettman, Roger Goodell and the swarm of others, we
have gotten to see so many faces and so many ideals and so many ways
how to go about running a professional sports league.
then Dana White came around and changed the game.
Silver on Tuesday, White had his poignant early moment.
you want to be a fucking fighter?," was all Dana White had to
say. The Ultimate Fighter television show, the UFC a d the sport of
MMA all went through the roof the second he uttered those words. Does
every commissioner or person in authority in sports need to be as
brash as Dana White? Of course not. But he set the tone that some of
his lead needs to be followed.
Because except for a handful of instances, Dana White commands
respect. And he gets that respect. He gets respect from fighters,
from media, from advertisers and other personalities from other
the moment he was able to open his mouth on national television, Dana
White told the world here I am, this is what's happening and you
better get in line do it. And of story. Not demanding, but very
Silver, whether he knows it or not, followed that lead on Tuesday.
His eyes were sharp, his words were hard and he delivered the same
message Dana White delivers every time he talks.
world has changed, respect is very rarely earned the way that it
should be. But when you're in a position like Adam Silver or Dana
White or any other major sports commissioner is in, you have to take
that respect, command it.
sports, whether we look at it or not, changed yesterday because the
decision Adam Silver made. It was a huge moment in the history of the
sporting industry, and kudos to Adam Silver for having the intestinal
fortitude to make the decision and be strong with it.
let us not forget the kudos to Dana White for stepping up and taking
a commanding role first, so people like Adam Silver can do it after
of that command can fix so many of the wrongs that we see in
professional sports today.
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